We studied the effects of the 2006-2010 COTS outbreak in Moorea on the decline in coral cover and the consequences for their associated shrimp communities (Leray et al., 2012).
- Natural defence mechanisms against COTS:
We examined the role played by coral-associated crab communities in defending their coral hosts from COTS (Rouze et al., 2015), as well as the efficacy of coral-associated shrimps for other housekeeping abilities (Stier et al., 2012).
- COTS counter-measure to pathogen transmission during an outbreak:
Density-dependent prophylaxis (DDP) the presence of a phenotypically plastic investment in disease resistance mechanisms, has only previously been found in insects. We found that Acanthaster planci, also show DDP, upregulation of their immune response at high density (Mills, 2012).
- Human control of COTS outbreaks:
We tested injections of lime juice in controlling COTS outbreaks, highlighting a cheap and naturally abundant alternative control method for Pacific island nations (Moutardier et al., 2015).